Judy is an aspiring interfaith chaplain drawn to contemplative practices across religious and spiritual traditions. She is a graduate of Harvard Divinity School who brings decades of experience serving in public, nonprofit and social justice organizations. In a world marked by escalating crisis, injustice, noise, and distraction, Judy believes in the power – and the necessity – of silence. She brings a deep commitment to ensuring that all who enter Peace House are awakened to what may emerge when we pause long enough to listen to the stirring of our own hearts.
Bhante Kusala, PhD, is a Theravāda Buddhist monk, ordained in 2004 at the age of 16 in the Sri Lankan tradition. With a deep passion for spiritual growth and helping others, he has served as an interfaith chaplain in U.S. hospitals and hospice care, offering guidance and comfort to those in need. Bhante Kusala is also a poet, writer, translator, and dedicated meditation practitioner, bringing profound insight to his teachings and spiritual counseling. Currently, he is on leave and based in Toronto, Canada.
Venerable Nedagamuwe Samitha Thero was born in Sri Lanka in 1990. He entered the Theravada Buddhist denomination in 2006 and received higher ordination in 2010. He obtained his bachelor's degree from University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka in 2015 and a master of theological studies degree from Harvard Divinity School in 2018.
Venerable Samitha has previously worked as a lecturer in Sri Lanka and has so far been serving as a Buddhist minister in the United States. He offers various religious services to the community, including Dhamma programs for kids, counseling, and spiritual directions. Venerable Samitha enjoys his time at Peace House, where he furthers his practice and gives teachings.
Busshin Nash is a visiting novice priest from the Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community in Middlebury, VT. Born and raised in Nashville, TN, he became interested in Buddhism through studying the Chinese language from a young age. After graduating from Middlebury College, he began formal Zen training with his teacher, Sensei Joshin Byrnes. Busshin previously worked in the field of social work before starting an MDiv program at Harvard Divinity School, where his studies have tended to focus on Buddhist scriptures and ethics, as well as street and hospital chaplaincy. Above all else, he aspires to encourage others in their practice and continue to serve the communities that support his life.

Karl Bandtel, Co-founder

Farley Urmston, Co-founder

Kristyn Willis

Nancy Dempze

Chadwick Stokes

Charles Hallisey
Karl is a co-founder of Peace House. He is a long-time resident of Cambridge, father of four children in a blended family, with his wife, Farley. After a long career in the investment business at Wellington Management, Karl has been working toward a master of divinity degree at Harvard Divinity School. Teachers and friends from HDS, including Peace House’s resident monks, are the inspiration for this experimental, contemplative space.
Farley is a co-founder of Peace House. She is a writer, a student, a designer, and the mother and step-mother of four kids, some of whom are no longer kids. Long interested in the study of human conflict, her interest in creating Peace House comes in part from a curiosity about what "peace" means when set against the realities of modern war. Her favorite parts about Peace House—besides the monks who live in it—are the basement and the books.
Professor Hallisey is the Yehan Numata Senior Lecturer on Buddhist Literatures at Harvard Divinity School. His research centers on Theravada Buddhism in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia, Pali language and literature, Buddhist ethics, and literature in Buddhist culture. His most recent book is Therigatha: Poems of the First Buddhist Women (Harvard University Press, 2015). He is currently working on a book project entitled Flowers on the Tree of Poetry: The Moral Economy of Literature in Buddhist Sri Lanka.
Kristyn Willis, LICSW is a clinical social worker with a special interest in the integration of mindfulness practices with psychotherapy. She previously worked at Brigham and Women's Hospital where she learned from people who had cancer and heart failure about the ways in which their illnesses provided them with both life challenges and new ways of relating to themselves. She also worked as a clinician at Brookline Community Mental Health Center before transitioning to private practice. Currently, Kristyn works as a school counselor at Middlesex school in Concord, MA in addition to continuing her private practice. She has obtained certificates from the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy, International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis and the Inward Bound Mindfulness Education Teacher Training Program. She has benefited greatly from silent meditation retreats and daily, informal mindfulness practice. She is married with three young children and a cat named Pickles.
Nancy Dempze is a partner at Hemenway & Barnes LLP, and serves as a professional trustee, executor, and estate planner for individuals and families. Nancy also represents nonprofits in connection with planned giving and development. Nancy helps clients develop and implement tax-efficient, wealth-transfer strategies for a variety of complex assets in ways that are consistent with the client's overall goals and values. Her training and experience as an oncology nurse, leadership in land conservation work, and service on nonprofit boards has made Nancy more sensitive to the needs and perspectives of her clients.
Chadwick Stokes is an accomplished musician and songwriter who grew up on a small farm outside of Boston. Through his many years of working independently within what can be a difficult industry, Chadwick has been continually motivated by his love of music and the people he makes it with. A songwriter since early adolescence, his many projects have woven together music, art, history, and activism. From Dispatch, which he started in his early twenties, to his politically driven band, State Radio, to his solo project, Chadwick Stokes and the Pintos, Chad has committed himself to using music as a vehicle for social and political change. Along with his wife, Sybil, he founded Calling All Crows, a nonprofit organization dedicated to connecting music fans with feminist movements for justice and equality. Recently, through Calling All Crows, Chad has worked to create the Unlocked Voices campaign with Senator Raphael Warnock and Rev. John Vaughn. This campaign’s goal is to change the hearts and minds of Americans to bring mass incarceration to an end.